Hello you shining light, you!


I'm a portrait photographer and coach/mentor who has a passion for helping people grow.

Using photography I equip women entrepreneurs with personalized image collections that help them attract their dream clients and grow their business. When working with my clients my goal is to create a variety of images they love so they can promote themselves and their brand with pride, confidence and ease.

I'm also a certified coach and I love using what I've learned along my business journey to help other creatives turn their passion into income and become even better artists in the process.

I'm based out of Toronto and am open and excited to travel for business opportunities.

Are you looking for life changing portraits or coaching? If so, hit me up!

Do you want to know more about me? Here's my story...

(This is a little feature I was invited to do by Henry's Camera.)

I fell in love with photography in the dark room of my high school at the age of 16...

I pursued it in post-secondary at Fanshawe College and Griffith University. It was at this stage that I realized the genre of photography I love most is portraits. I graduated from university in 2010 with a degree in Commercial Photography.

After graduating I started my own photo business called "Shantown Images". It was general photography business and I gave up 3 months in because I hadn't made any money yet and I was convinced I was a failure. So I got a job in the sales department of the largest camera retailer in Canada and started earning enough there to support a pretty comfortable lifestyle in Toronto. That's where I made a bunch of connections and met a bunch of photographers I end up assisting.

At this stage I also offered private photography lessons on the side. I basically took on any photo-related job that I could get my hands on. I dabbled with all kinds of photo gigs while working full-time at the camera store. I enjoyed some of them, and despised others.

In 2016 I took a leap of faith and left the camera store after 6.5 years to give my photography business another go. This time under a new name, Shannon Laliberte Photography. Very creative, I know. About a year in I desperately needed supplemental income just to maintain, never mind improve, the city lifestyle I had become accustomed to. So I got a part-time serving job and kept working on my business. I was definitely starting to doubt my ability to make it as a photographer at this point.

Are you ready for the "TSN Turning Point?"... In 2017 I hired a coach, someone who had their own successful photo business and promised they could teach me how to gain the kind of momentum I had been trying to in my business for years. Thanks to all the work I did with my coach I left my serving job and after years of trying and failing, I finally became the successful photographer AND small business owner I always dreamt of being all the way back in the dark room days.

Since then I have worked with hundreds of wonderful clients and collaborated with dozens of amazingly talented artists and entrepreneurs. And I have continued to enjoy my ever-evolving lifestyle based in Toronto!

Fast forward to 2022. All of the success I had experienced after working with my coaches inspired me to become a certified coach myself. I graduated from Khan Method Coaching in 2023 and started working with clients right away.

Now, in addition to my portrait sessions, I also offer coaching services to creatives who want to start earning money, or earning more money, doing what they love!

Does this sound like exactly the type of support you've been looking for?

If so, check out what I have on offer now and get in touch to find out if I'm the coach for you!

I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a bit better! If you think we'd work well together I invite you to please...

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